One Tree Hill Season 6 Episode 15

Skills: You said "Oh!"? Hold on. Peyton Sawyer says "I'm in love with you" and you say "Oh"? Nice work player!
Lucas: She caught me by surpise, what was I suppodes to say, huh?
Skills: Not "Oh". Ok, what else did you say?
Lucas: I mumbled something about us being friends friends and then I left.
Skills: You belive that? That you and P. Sawyer are just friends!?
Lucas: You know what Skills? For a long time I thought that mabey we'd be something more. It just never seemed to work out, you know? So at a certan point you just gotta face the fact that it's not meant to be.
Skills: Even if she wants more?
Lucas: She's just a little confused. She's had a hard year and I happened to be there and rescue her a few times.
Skills: So maybe you're the one who's confused! Cause you didn't just happen to rescue her a few times. You didn't just happened to run into the school that day or save her from psycho-Derek. Peyton happened to be there, but you chose to be there. So, maybe you gotta think about that.


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