"jag älskar dig - som tre droppar blod i snön"
Lite trasig inatt. Kanske lite bortglömd också, bara inatt. Och jag önskar att jag kunde sjunga. Och att engelska var mitt modersmål. Vissa saker slår bättre på engelska men jag hatar att uttrycka något jag verkligen känner på något annat språk än svenska. Men engelskan får duga inatt, den här texten slår. Du kommer förstå.
"looking at your picture from when we first met,
you gave me a smile that I could never forget. and nothing could
protect me from you that night. you and I were everything to me.
then all the doors were closing, I tried to move ahead.
my dreams are empty from the day you slipped away. I just
want you to know, that I've been fighting to let you go. some days I
make it through and then there's nights that never ends.
I wish that I could belive that there's a day you'll come back to me.
just want you to know that since I lost you I lost myselft.
no, I can't fake it there's no one else!"
Tjuuuv, tar mina meningar VAVAVA`??